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Piper: A proposal for a graphy pipe-based build system

Yet another build system?


Hear me out! This one is simple!! No need to add separate support for different languages, we just write what commands we want to execute.

Isn’t that just Make?


Yep! But what if we add mappings and collections?

This post is just a proposal and some ideas that I brainstormed to make a build system that is easy to use for any language, without having to learn anything complicated.

The name I have in mind for this is Piper.


I was recently experimenting with a tool that converted one file into another, and then that new file had to be aggregated with files of the same type in the arguments of yet another command.

It seems complicated, but it’s solved easily with a bash script:

shopt -s nullglob  # Prevents awful globbing behaviour if no files match
for file in *.ext; do
  echo "Processing $file"
  ./convert -o "${file%.ext}.new" "$file"
echo "Aggregating files"
./final -o final *.new

So why do we need something new?


There are a few downsides to rawdogging it with bash:

  • No parallelism unless you try really really hard. I’m not bothered to do it while writing this example.
  • You’d be insane to add incremental compilation.
  • No way to visualise the build graph.
  • It’s not cross-platform.
  • It’s hard to read.

These are things that can be handled for you very easily with a syntax very similar to Make — without its pain-points.


We can see that there are two types of transformations:

  • Mappings: 1-1 transformations, like converting a file to another file.
  • Collections: N-1 transformations, like aggregating files into one.

What about 1-N?


While it is true that there can be a 1-N transformation in a single command, I’ve found that it isn’t very common and this can be a later addition. I’ll reserve something along the lines of Generators for these transformations.

Alas, let’s prototype some syntax!



Like Make, we will make ident: represent a runnable command. However, unlike Make, we will not be putting other commands in body. Instead, we will declare the series of mappings and collections to perform on groups of files.


  .c --[CC]-> .o --{AR}-> lib.a


  • We use [ident] to represent a mapping and {ident} to represent a collection.
  • We use .ext as a shorthand for glob *.ext.

It’s important to also provide a way for the user to specify custom glob patterns, but we’re in 2023 so lets do it with regexes. The above is equivalent to:

  r(.*\.c) --[CC]-> r(.*\.o) --{AR}-> lib.a

Because CC is a mapping, it auto infers that the output filename is the same, just with a different extension. A full filename is required for the output of collections.

This has potential!


Mapping & Collection Definitions

[ident]: and {ident}: respectively:

  cc -o $_OUT $_IN

  ar rcs $_OUT $_IN


  • Variables begin with $, more on that in the next section.
  • Special “inserted” variables are prefixed with $_.

These are the only inserted variables:

  • $_OUT: The output filename, including file extension.
  • $_IN: The input filename(s), including file extension.
    • For collections, this is a space separated list of filenames.
  • $_{0..9999}: Regex group matches, if the input is a regex.
    • $_0 is the entire match, always equal to $_IN. You can think of this as because of the outer brackets in the regex expressions above.
    • In collections, each variable is a space separated list of the respective group.


Variables begin with a $. They are defined as such:

$A = this is a literal
$B = "this is a literal"

What about variables that are the output of a command?


We can use the $(command) syntax:

$C = $(echo "this is a literal")

$A, $B and $C are identical.

Note: Variables can only be substituted. In essence, they are lazily evaluated. If you reference $C twice, it will be executed twice.

Variables are scoped. If you define a variable in a command, it will only live for the duration of that command.

You can use variables to also define file types, e.g.

$SRC = .c
$OBJ = r(.*\.o)

I’m still debating internally if $A should be allowed as there can potentially be a conflict with $SRC.


I believe this can be a very simple, but powerful, build description language.

  • Parallel jobs can be easily determined by both the user and the tool.
  • Incremental compilation is trivial due to each mapping having a single input and output, with the output file name being known before it is generated.
  • It is intuitive, and easy to read.
  • It can most definitely be cross-platform
    • Although, this is a bit of a moot point, it all depends on the build commands used. Only pointing this out because bash is not cross-platform.
  • No need for a tool to generate a graph - it’s right there! Although the appropriate software can still be written.

This is just a “proposal”, I haven’t written any software for this, and my opinions may change. I haven’t spent much time on this at all and I’m sure there are many things I’ve missed, and many things that could be improved. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

— Matthew
